What about fake news, why are you not writing about that? What about COVID-19, why not a word on that? What about global warming, why are you so silent?
Well, I was meaning to write about this for a long time now. In today’s time, It’s not about one issue anymore. People expect one to take a stand on each and everything and that too in a blink of an eye. On top of that, they expect it to be clear cut black or white. You write in support of one person and the next you know, people are bombing you to opinionate on someone else.
Let's talk about the Black Lives Matter moment in the United States of America on the brutal death of George Floyd. In no time the moment caught the eyes of the public and rightly so. Just a few hours later, Some people brought to attention other heinous crimes against not only black but also white people, which was appreciable. Then All Lives Matter trended on twitter. It was so nice to see so many people getting down to roads, raising their voices in support of all victims regardless of caste, gender, or creed. But…
one thing that some people need to understand is that it was never “Only Black Lives Matter”. Why Black was included in place for All is because this section of society had faced brutality for centuries and centuries. For some dum-dums, let me clear out what slogans like “Black Lives Matter”, “Dalit Lives Matter”, “Women Lives Matter”, etc means. It translates to,
“Listen, people, this section of society had faced injustice and denial for a long long time now, it's about time that we raise voice in their support and work towards their empowerment.”
It's not all bad though, Whataboutism has its own goods too. But one should know where to draw the line between the good and the bad.
The Good
“Listen, a similar incident happened with a white person too. I hope we soon realize that those in power can not molest us anymore. We stand united in support and solidarity for all victims of oppression.”
See, wasn't that good? This person informed me about another crime which I would definitely read about and it will become another rope that ties us all together. Some people would relate to the struggles of this person, and the moment would grow even bigger and diverse.
The Bad
“Now you are talking about justice. Where were you when the same happened to a white person? Why only Black Lives Matter? You talk about equality but when it comes to raising your for the majority, you are always silent. Grow a brain you libtard.”
Okay. I am definitely blocking this person. You know what? The next time I want to take a stand, this message would trouble me immensely. Now rather than also talking about the referred person, I would be concise in taking a stand in the first place. And even if I take a stand, it would not be powerful enough. As you can see in this article. Being an Indian, I am not talking about what’s happening in India currently.
With everything going on in Hathras rape case, hate crimes against Muslims, and total dominance of the ruling party over media, opposition, and the parliament itself, I am not depicting my stance just because some people get on me with these
“You are talking about hate crimes against Muslims but what about Hindus?”
“You are talking about BJP what about Congress?”
“You are talking about the demolishment of a Mosque, where were you when a temple was attacked?”
“You are talking about Global Warming, where were you when Ice age happened? :D
See, I get it, you want people to know about the injustices that you feel unsafe from or relate to. I get it. But please at least don't drill me down for taking a stand on a topic you don't feel like taking one. Do not silence others instead enrich others with other instances and your knowledge. A victim is a victim there's no such thing as a bigger victim.
No offense was intended to anyone. I am sorry if I hurt your sentiments in any manner.